Auto-Bidding is where the system bids on your behalf when a property comes up that meets your preferences. Auto-Bidding is useful if you can't bid on your own behalf. However, by getting the system to bid on your behalf, you reduce the choice you have in which properties you bid for. Auto-bidders have three bids like all other applicants, so if more then three properties that meet your preference come up you will not be able to allocate your three bids. Auto-bidders can always log in and remove bids on properties they don't want, however if those bids are not reallocated to a new property the system will bid again to ensure all bids are used. This may be on the property from which you removed the bid. To permanently remove the bid, the applicant can remove the bid on the day that the property's advert is closing. The bidding cycles close on a Wednesday, please see the bidding cycle timetable.
Auto-Bidding Application Form
If you are Live on the Housing Register and would like to be set up for auto-bidding please complete this form.
You can complete the PDF form on your internet browser writing in the text boxes and ticking the multiple choice questions. When you are finished you can click the download button in the top right corner and download 'with your changes'.
If you wish to print and complete the form, you will need to scan the application.
Once downloaded you will need to send us the file you have downloaded. The fastest way to get this form assessed is to attach it to your account. Please see this page for guidance in uploading documents.
If you are unable to upload the document to your account the please send it to [email protected]